Grazer of the Week 1st March 2019; Ginger the Highland Cow

Ginger Fringer the Highland Cow, wildflower meadows Denmark Farm Conservation Centre, PONT CymruThe brilliantly nicknamed Ginger Fringer, thanks to that glorious hairstyle, is currently grazing the wildflower meadows at Denmark Farm Conservation Centre, near Lampeter.

These lovely boys, owned by local grazier Gwyn Jones, are grazing the meadows to help to encourage more species of wild flowers and all the invertebrates, amphibians, small mammals and birds that live at Denmark Farm.

I’m sure you’ll agree, they are very cute!

Grazing can be a great management method for wildflower meadows. To get a high species diversity in a wildflower meadow, you need to ensure that fast-growing, aggressive species are not able to out-compete other species. You also need to ensure that the plants are able to grow to maturity and drop their seeds for next year.

Grazing at the beginning of the growing season can help stop aggressive species such as grasses from out-competing other species. Winter-grazing, beginning after a hay cut can also assist with this. If you are unable to take a hay cut, it can be replaced with appropriate grazing to create a short sward, ready for the following years growing season.

If you manage a wildflower meadow and would like advice or help to find a grazier, get in contact with PONT Cymru.


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