Ponies for Cwlwm Seiriol
One of the Cwlwm Seiriol project aims is to manage and improve areas of land for wildlife, recreation and access around Llanddona, Llangoed and Llaingoch where there may not have been grazing for many years.
Don’t Burn Bernie
The Don’t Burn Bernie Educational Tour is part of a SWFRS social marketing campaign which aims to reduce the incidence of deliberate grass fires through changing people’s attitudes, knowledge and behavior. The strapline is ‘Grass is Green – Fire is Mean.’ Bernie is a well established Brand used by the SWFRS and other stakeholders to deliver common messages across the area.
PONT “Working with Farmers and Understanding Livestock Grazing” training course
PONT has developed a one-day training course explaining farming systems, managing livestock grazing and how to work with farmers. This was delivered to groups in South Wales at Kenfig and North Wales near Bethesda. A total of 56 people were trained over 3 days.
Managing Dogs in the Countryside
A UK wide initiative to promote better behaviour and management of dogs around livestock. This was the first conference bringing together a working group to look at ways of reducing dog attacks on grazing animals. PONT has become part of the working group and will attend further events to research and plan methods of improving dog behaviour and the understanding of the problems dogs can cause.
Anglesey Grazing Animals Partnership
The Anglesey Grazing Animals Partnership (AGAP) is a local grazing scheme working to link land of wildlife and conservation interest with graziers and farmers who can supply suitable grazing stock for the benefit of the wildlife, the landscape and the cultural heritage of Ynys Môn.
Coity Wallia Commons Biodiversity Enhancement Project
Raising awareness of issues through education and community engagement.
Improving priority habitats with particular emphasis on shrill carder bee, high brown fritillary and marsh fritillary.
Contributing to the local economy.