PONT (Pori Natur A Threftadaeth)
PONT brings together and shares knowledge, expertise and practical skills on conservation and grazing across Wales. The aim is to collaborate with those in the farming, conservation, local communities and other interest groups to help deliver practical grazing solutions that benefit the various interests in an integrated manner.
Our Vision
To build bridges between those living, working in and enjoying the countryside to ensure that our working landscape is rich in wildlife and resilient to future challenges.
Our Mission
- To support and enthuse farmers to manage their land for food, community benefit and nature
- To enthuse and educate local communities to use and enjoy the countryside in a responsible manner.
- To bridge the gap between town and country to increase opportunities to work together for common benefits.
- To work with environmental organisations to build their knowledge and capacity to work with the farming community to develop solutions to nature conservation challenges.

Our Values
Inclusive – Valuing the expertise and knowledge of the farmer to support nature conservation decisions.
Sustainable – Sustainability is at the core of everything we do. Long term solutions rather than quick fixes underpins how we work.
Supportive – Empowering people with the knowledge and tools to make a difference in their communities
Democratic – giving people the opportunities to participate in local decision making about their local environment.
Passionate – we are passionate about bridging the gap between farming, wildlife and local communities.