Grazer of the Week; Ffen the Welsh Mule Sheep

Ffen is Welsh Mule Sheep, who is currently grazing at Morfa Madryn Local Nature Reserve with her flock, which consists mostly of Welsh Mountain and Welsh Mule Sheep.

Morfa Madryn is a protected area of coastal grassland and saltmarsh which supports 7% of the Welsh breeding lapwing population. With it’s close proximity to the extensive mudflats at Traeth Lafan, this is an important site for waders. Other breeding birds it supports include ringed plover, curlew and skylark. 

Grazing management is important at this site to keep the habitat in good condition. PONT Cymru helped install sheep on the reserve, owned by the Kehoe family. Sheep are the perfect grazers for this site, nibbling the grass very short to maintain a short sward for the ground nesting lapwings. In addition to sheep, cattle graze the rushes and typha.

This area is owned jointly by Gwynedd Council and Conwy Borough Council and managed by the Kehoe Family. Partners include RSPB , who assisted in management with loan of a soft track machine.

Dunlin Madryn Jan 15 PONT Cymru resizeIf you are interested in learning more or would like advice on conservation grazing on your land, please get in touch.



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