Anglesey Grazing Animals Partnership

The Anglesey Grazing Animals Partnership (AGAP) is a local grazing scheme working to link land of wildlife and conservation interest with graziers and farmers who can supply suitable grazing stock for the benefit of the wildlife, the landscape and the cultural heritage of Ynys Môn.

Established in 2008, AGAP has introduced and supported grazing on 16 sites across Anglesey totalling over 300 hectares. We can help farmers, organisations and landowners to establish sustainable grazing on wildlife-rich sites on Anglesey.

Produce from wildlife-rich sites is sold under the AGAP quality standard into local markets and in London. Farmers and producers are supported through the AGAP marketing scheme from field to plate. Produce is island born and bred, grazed to benefit wildlife, fed locally-sourced feed and prepared for sale on the island.

Project Partners

CCW/ NRW, National Trust, RSPB, Cyngor Ynys Mon, Glynllifon, Menter Mon, Coleg Menai, Farmers Union of Wales, FWAG, Anglesey Sustainable Development Fund, WREN Biodiversity Action Fund, Esmee Fairbairn Foundation, Horizon Nuclear Power,

Community Benefits

Community engagement has two aims. The first is to enthuse local communities and visitors about the wildlife of Anglesey's farmed landscapes and to encourage active involvement. The second is to educate the public about farming practices. This can help resolve potential issues sch as conflict between people and livestock and leads to greater understanding ad enjoyment of the countryside.

  • A community consultation at Holyhead to address concerns about the introduction of grazing
  • AGAPS's informative dog show, which helps people understand how to behave when out and about with their dog and how to walk amongst gazing animals.
  • A shearing, weaving and spinning event held at RSPB's South Stack linked to the shepherded grazing scheme.
  • Annual sponsorship of the Welsh Black Cattle classes at the winter and summer Anglesey Shows.
  • 'Springwatch' events held at RSPB's South Stack in 2010, 2011 and 2013.
  • Hay meadow events held at Plas Newydd, Penllyn and Cors Goch.

Economic Benefits

The partnership believes that securing economic benefits for landowners is essential to ensure the continued management of marginal land for wildlife.

  • Development of a produce marketing scheme and local produce branding
  • Skills training in butchery, hygiene and marketing, giving farmers the opportunity to market their stock more efficiently.
  • Development of heathland bedding as a cheaper alternative to straw for housed livestock. The bedding material is a product of heathland management and can be applied as manure after use.
  • Restoring under managed land to become part of the farming system
  • Lease of livestock to encourage farmers to try out new stock before committing to their purchase.

Natural Resource Benefits

The AGAP partnership has delivered improvements on the ground which benefit wildlife, water management, rural infrastructure and public access.

  • Grazing established or improved on 843 ha of wildlife-rich habitat
  • Installation of handling pens, water troughs, fencing and stock bridged to allow long term management of sites.
  • Leisure and tourism benefits through improved management of coastal slopes and the Wales Coast Path
  • Management of 14 wetland sites, helping to maintain water flow and quality
  • Creation of 7 pools on four farms
  • 45 ha of mechanical scrub and bracken control and 82 ha of soft rush management prior to improving grazing
  • Establishment of a close-shepherded grazing scheme on a 200 ah heathland site
