Grazing in Native Woodlands

11/08/2021 10:00 - 11/08/2021 16:00

Join PONT & the Celtic Rainforests Wales project at one of our Demonstration Events during August 2021. Join us to discover more about the use of grazing as a conservation tool in native woodlands, including the challenges and practicalities of introducing livestock to woodland sites. The demonstration events will include both an indoor and outdoor session. Food and refreshments provided. Book Here

Join PONT & the Celtic Rainforests Wales project at one of our Demonstration Events during August 2021.

Join us to discover more about the use of grazing as a conservation tool in native woodlands, including the challenges and practicalities of introducing livestock to woodland sites. The demonstration events will include both an indoor and outdoor session.

Food and refreshments provided.

Book Here

Contact: Hilary Kehoe