PONT Pony Corner October 2022

Jean and Felix are continuing their grand tour of South Wales! They are now doing some essential meadow management at The Parish Fields Coronation Meadow.

This 3 acre site has a remarkable diversity of wild flowers but when horse grazing was stopped in the 1990s, the biodiversity of the site began to deteriorate as scrub moved in. In 2002 the local residents association, who lease the site from the Community Council, took advice and began a plan of action to save their meadow. This community led project has involved local residents, a scout group, a college, conservation volunteers, Glamorgan Heritage Coast project and Countryside Council for Wales (now Natural Resources Wales).

Following scrub clearance and management through hay cutting, many meadow plants have recolonised here which is highlighted by the bright summer displays of betony, selfheal, common centaury and slender st. johns wort. In addition to this, over 90 plant species have appeared that were not previously recorded there such as pignut, common twayblade and adders tongue fern. 

Jean and Felix are here for a few months to graze off the vegetation and trample the bracken which is encroaching into the grassland. This is the perfect time of year to graze a meadow. The meadow flowers have had a chance to flower and set seed and the ponies will help the seeds to germinate by creating space with their hooves and by pressing them into the ground with their hooves.

If you need help with planning conservation grazing or finding a grazier for a meadow, get in touch with us to see how we can help you.

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