
Paul Culyer – Chair

I have worked in nature conservation since 1991 after taking three years out to study for a degree in Environmental Science at Aberystwyth University. For the past 22 years I have worked for the Countryside Council for Wales and now Natural Resources Wales as part of the National Nature Reserve (NNR)

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Sarah Kessell

Sarah Kessell

I am the Chief Executive Officer for the Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales and have been a Director for PONT since it started in Wales. I was a National Co-ordinator for the Grazing Animals Project in England and, with many years’ experience in managing suites of nature reserves, am

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Dennis Matheson

Dennis Matheson

I started farming on a mixed organic farm in Ireland in 1962. After University I moved to Australia spending 18 months working on sheep and cattle stations and wheat harvesting. Then followed six years with a mineral exploration company where I was responsible for negotiating compensation for landowners. In 1974 I

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Colin Thomas

Colin Thomas

I have been a Director with the Welsh Pony and Cob Society since 2009 with a compulsory 3 year break. For my work with the WPCS I have been made a Honorary life member for my meritorious services as A Hill Secretary for the Hill Pony Improvement Society since 1988. I

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Amanda Evans

I work for Carmarthenshire County Council as a Conservation Project Officer on a landscape scale Marsh Fritillary butterfly habitat project. My job involves working with local landowners, livestock owners and contractors to manage habitat in a way which is sustainable in the future. I have recently been involved in controlled grassland

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Rob Williams

Rob Williams

I’m a 5th generation farmer, married to a farmer’s daughter, with two sons who are involved in the family farm. Our interest in ecology-friendly farming started in the mid 1990s when we put sheep on Kenfig (NNR, SSSI, SAC ) with the aim of expanding our sheep flock. We now graze

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Ian Rickman

Ian Rickman

I am an upland sheep farmer from Carmarthenshire. We farm Gurnos near Llandeilo which extends to around 220 acres, with Common grazing rights for around 500 ewes on the nearby Black Mountain. I am currently the FUW South Wales Regional Vice-President.

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